Yahrzeit Ceremonies

Honouring their

In Jewish tradition, the Yahrzeit, or yearly anniversary since passing of a loved one, is an auspicious time for memory and dedication. Whilst for many, this day passes unceremoniously, we are offering a new experience in which the Rabbi comes to the home and conducts an intimate memorial service for close family and friends.

In this unique and personalised ceremony, Rabbi Yossi will visit the family home to hold a meaningful ceremony and will assist the family in the reciting the relevant prayers, the recitation of Kaddish, the lighting of the memorial light and the sharing of personal words as a means of bestowing honour and elevating the soul of a loved one.

The Yahrzeit ceremony helps to ensure that the memory of the deceased is honored and preserved, and provides a way for family and friends to come together to remember and reflect on the life of their loved one. The rabbi also offers words of comfort and guidance to the mourners and help to provide a sense of closure and peace during this juncture through the journey of loss.


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What Our Clients Say

Sitting and listening to you bring it all together, was akin to watching a feel-good movie, filled with emotion, laughter and sensitivity. Yossi, you are a man of true meaning, and we thank you.
Deborah Zinman & Trevor Resnick
It was beyond my expectations that his compassion was immediately available. Rabbi Friedman took an interest in all our family members. Though he had no previous connection with my family.
Michael Kohn